Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fights with Blogger

So, after not being on Blogger for, like... at least six months, and not posting for like, over a year, I wanted to view my posts. Turns out Blogger decided to hate me today. Yeah. It hates me. I think. It was like "you can't see your OWN blog because it has adult content" And I'm like GRRRRRR! I just fought for like, a good half an hour to try and find out how to stop it from saying that I have adult content. Turns out, after searching, it's just in general settings... but I passed it at least five times before I found it.
Yeah. That made me feel like a dolt.
Aren't I special?
So really, the only reason I'm on Blogger at the moment is because I was trying to find the URL for my Figment profile. Just so you know, Figment is a writing site (absolutely amazing) and if you're wondering what my name is on there, it's Haylenie Armando. So if you want to check out some of my writing, go ahead. ^.^
So there you have it.
-Haylenie (:

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